Rachel Ling

Rachel Amelie Ling was born on Sunday 29 May 2005, at 10.36 am.  She weighed 3.8 kg (8lb 6 oz) and was 55 cm long. 


Second time and I'm still chuffed.

  'Hello, I'm not too sure about all this.'   'Yes, I just feel like lying here.'
'No, this biscuit's mine.'   'What's that in her ear?'   'You're right, she has no teeth.  How strange!'



Me and my two young gals.


'Hello, Grandma, I'm Rachel.  How are you today?'


'How old are you, Rachel?'  'Count my fingers - just 5 days.'    

'Come on Rachel, let me squeeze you really hard.' (October 2005)   'I want more mocca (water).'  April 2007.    


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